Nature's Secret Larder - I Hate Painting


Bushcraft Blog

I Hate Painting
20th June 2009

I know decorating is completely unrelated to the subject of the site, but that’s why I have been so quiet lately. I spent a couple of days in Suffolk with a friend painting a house I recently purchased. I would have paid for it to be done, but the quotes I got sent shivers down my spine, so the car was packed full of ‘stuff’ and we spent 48 hours there plastering, rubbing down, ripping out dodgy wardrobes and painting!

Anyway, we managed to do a proper job and get a whole house done in a little under the 48 hours. This included only one very short break and about 4 hours sleep. I decided to sleep in the garden as it was pretty hot, only to end up covered in snail trails by the morning!

Now that’s been completed, it’s back to Essex, and back to work. I was planning on getting a few new wild food recipes on here last week, but sadly I have just not had chance, but I still hope to get them on here soon.

Catch you on the trail

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