Nature's Secret Larder - Can you ID this?


Bushcraft Blog

Can you ID this?
8th November 2008

OK, this is just for fun. Please leave your answers using the comments section below. I will start of with two clues. The picture may make the flower look bigger than it is and its common name may be related to the weather? Over to you.

Can you ID this?

Catch you on the trail



Kris on 14/11/08

Well done Sally :) Thanks for attending my short course the other week. I hope it proved useful.

Take care

Sally Heffer on 14/11/08

My favourite flower, actually less than 10mm across, the Scarlett Pimpernel. Sometimes also known as Shepherds Weatherglass as the flowers close in bad weather. It's a member of the primrose family.

Kris on 11/11/08

Thank you Andrew. It's very kind of you to say so.

Andrew on 08/11/08

A lovely shot, just so much fine detail, well done.

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