Nature's Secret Larder - Interview from the Hedgerow with Ray Clark


Bushcraft Blog

Interview from the Hedgerow with Ray Clark
1st October 2009

I met Ray Clark of BBC Essex Radio today for a short forage among the autumn hedgerow, although the sun was shining more like summer, but there was a nip in the air, so much so, my hat was required!  It was only a short recording session, so I won’t add a list of what we found or anything like that as it was the usual stuff, and many common things.  I also collected some sloes as I’m making sloe gin today/tomorrow.  There has been a great amount present this year, as you can see from my pictures, and those collected didn’t even make a dent!

I apologise for my somewhat unkempt appearance.  Hopefully the New Year will bring along some resolutions for a slight makeover, and maybe Christmas will see a new hat, and hopefully jacket.  We will see what that fellow dressed in red brings along.

The recording should be on air, either Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, between 6am and 9am, way too early for me!

Kris and Ray Clark


sloe picking

basket of sloes for sloe gin

Catch you on the trail


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