Nature's Secret Larder - Zebra Billy Can


Bushcraft Blog

Zebra Billy Can
16th August 2010

Zebra Bill Can

I have the chance to run a review on the Zebra billy can shortly.  My first impressions are all very positive.  The built quality is fantastic and very sturdy.  The inner plate makes for an excellent addition, and the four sizes are all just right for the tasks they are designed for.
It may take me a while to get the review on the site, but from my first impressions I can’t see how anything is going to be negative, they simply look and feel that good!

In the meantime, if you want to get your hands on one, then visit the link below.

Click Here.

Catch you on the trail.



Carl Donovan on 24/04/11

Used this recently on a wild camp to Wales with my other half. At first she didn't fancy the idea of not taking a stove but incense stoked the fire and got a chicken stew bubbling away she loved it. Perfect heat conduction and build.

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